Sergio is Two!!

Sergio is Two!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

School is about to start up...

Mommy is back at students return next week!! This week has been extremely stressful, full of trainings, meetings, you name it. So many new responsibilities assumed! Daddy is staying home this week with Sergio as he finishes up his recovery period. He goes back to school next week. We're really nervous about how he will react; he is older now and very aware of the fact he is being dropped off and "abandoned." Hopefully he has missed his teachers and friends and all goes well! We'll keep you posted. I'm posting some new videos of Sergio singing and counting and doing his thing.

Love you all,
M-D Fam

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Sergio is doing better now, one week out from surgery. We had quite the scare yesterday when a blood vessel burst where his right tonsil had been removed. There was a lot of blood loss; thankfully we got him to the ER quickly and an ENT was able to operate on him to cauterize the area within the hour. Although the experience was really stressful for all of us, Sergio is recovering nicely.

He is eating a lot of soft foods, drinking well, playing, singing, dancing, running (more than we're comfortable with for a little boy recovering from surgery). He is really a remarkable little person and we love him soooo much!

We are so grateful that Sergio has such wonderful grandparents that care about him and are dedicated to him. His Abu & Abuela came up for the surgery and were with him the first days post-op. Now, Abuelo & Tita are here helping out for the week. We are very blessed and love them all dearly.

Much love to all of you,
the Martinez-Diaz Fam

Sergio right before tonsil surgery (clutching his "mono" who went in with him)

August 20, 2009 -- Sergio, almost 23 months

Sergio Identifying Shapes